Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Shakespeare And His Theater Essays (533 words) -
Shakespeare and his Theater Shakespeare also, his Theater Contrasted with the specialized performance centers of today, the London open performance centers in the hour of Queen Elizabeth I am by all accounts appallingly constrained. The plays must be performed during sunshine hours as it were furthermore, the stage view must be kept exceptionally basic with only a table, a seat, a seat, and perhaps a tree to represent a woods. Many state that these confinements were it might be said focal points. What the performance center today can appear for us everything being equal, with gigantic landscape and electric lighting, Elizabethan playgoers needed to envision. This caused the writer to need to write in a clear language so the crowd could comprehend the play. Not having a lighting specialist to work the control boards, Shakespeare needed to demonstrate wether it was first light or on the other hand dusk by utilizing a discourse wealthy in allegories and expressive subtleties. Shakespeare's performance center was a long way from being exposed, the writer had some significant specialized sources that he used as well as could be expected. The outfits the entertainers wore were made to be intricate. A large number of the outfits passed on unmistakable implications for the crowd, for example, a rich blue-blood wearing silk garments with numerous unsettles. Commonly there were melodic backups and audio cues, for example, black powder blasts and the beating of a dish to recreate thunder. The stage itself was additionally astoundingly flexible. Behind it were entryways for ways out and doorways and a curtained stall or niche helpful for on-screen characters to stow away inside. Over the stage was a higher acting region which represented a patio or gallery. This was helpful in the narrative of Romeo what's more, Juliet, when Romeo remained underneath Juliet and disclosed to her how he cherished her. In the stage floor was a snare entryway which was said to prompt damnation or a basement, this was particularly valuable for phantoms or fiends who needed to show up also, vanish all through the play. The stage itself was formed in a rectangular stage that anticipated into a yard that was encased by three story displays. The structure was round or octagonal in shape yet Shakespeare considered it a wooden O. The crowd sat in these displays or, more than likely they could remain in the yard in front the stage. A rooftop also, canopy ensured the stage and the expensive display seats, however in the case awful climate, the groundlings, who just paid a penny to stand in the yard, more likely than not gotten wet. The Globe theater was worked by a dramatic organization in which Shakespeare had a place. The Globe theater, was the most well known of all the Elizabethan theaters, it was not in the city itself be that as it may, on the south bank of the Thames River. This area had been picked since, in 1574, open plays had been ousted from the city by a statute that reprimanded them for defiling the young and advancing prostitution. A writer needed to satisfy all individuals of the crowd. This clarifies the wide scope of themes in Elizabethan plays. Numerous plays included sections of inconspicuous verse, of profound way of thinking, what's more, scenes of awful brutality. Shakespeare was an on-screen character just as a writer, so he new well what his crowd needed to see. The organization's offered upwards of thirty plays a season, usually changing the projects day by day. The entertainers along these lines needed to hold numerous parts in their minds, which may represent Elizabethan dramatists' clear refrain composing style.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Parameters for a Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis Free Essays
ANSYS Fluent is innovation bundle for computational liquid kineticss which empowers scientific demonstrating of the physical hypothetical record. It very well may be utilized to examine liquid stream, heat transportation and a wide extent of other modern application employments by executing â€Å"numerical experiments†( registering machine reenactments ) in a â€Å"virtual stream laboratory†. The bundle is broadly utilized all through the universe. We will compose a custom exposition test on Parameters for a Computational Fluid Dynamics Analysis or then again any comparable theme just for you Request Now It very well may be utilized for new build form, each piece great as the advancement of bing 1s. One favorable position of the bundle is that it can work out complex 3-D occupations where the physical powers and stream highlights are at times difficult to mensurate ; appropriately give fast, productive, progressively precise and trustworthy results. As referenced previously, this methodological examination depends on utilizing the physical hypothetical record to a layered geometry that speaks to the existent hypothetical record framework. In this manner, all surfaces and volumes of the circle are fit. The full work is traded to ANSYS Fluent for the numerical arrangement of Navier-Stokes condition. Followed by the model been assigning to the limit conditions important for the stuff and thermic belongingss. The hypothetical record re-delivers the existent environmental conditions that the framework is exposed to during the clasp that is mimicked. Project’s effectiveness is improved for endeavors by breaking down little adjustments in parametric amounts and CFD consumes less clasp than building an existent worldview and demonstrating. One of the central reasons for CFD reproduction is to dissect the existent thermic practices of the proposed framework with less assets in less clasp. In this endeavor, the CFD bundle heap of ANSYS FLUENT adaptation 15.0 is chosen as the computational bundle for copying the physical hypothetical record. This is on the grounds that it is the bundle broadly utilized by examine laborers globally in the nation of thermic divider look into furthermore recommended by the director ( ANSYS UK Ltd, 2012 ) . The computational hypothetical record is created dependent on a proposed genuine life boundless hypothetical record in Sydney with a H2O divider framework. 3.2.1 Heat Balance and Governing Equations Warmth balance: The H2O divider hypothetical record set up depends on the warmth balance technique where the temperature change for H2O is commensurate for both worldview and hypothetical record. There are a couple of premises made for this strategy: The H2O is all around blended abdominal muscle initio at an unvarying surface temperature Warmth motion proceeding onward the surface is unchanging Diffuse transmitting surface The thermic vitality transmitted on divider surface is moved to H2O, with no warmth misfortune to environing dividers. Managing conditions: The warmth transportation and wind stream in this hypothetical record is mainly administered by fractional non-direct differential conditions, which stand foring the safeguarding of mass ( progression ) , drive and vitality ( heat ) . These conditions are so explained numerically dependent on the project’s geometry, limit scenes and runing conditions. In this endeavor, the safeguarding conditions for laminar stream are portrayed beneath with succinct record on each. Preservation of mass ( other than known as congruity condition ) : this condition guarantees that the mass is saved when liquid is in motion. Condition ( 1 ) beneath is a general signifier of the congruity condition. img alt= src= 1 ) Preservation of drive: the condition is appeared beneath as Equation ( 2 ) .This condition ascends from utilizing Newton’s second law to the liquid motion, where the pace of change of motivation peers the measure of the powers. The whole drive of a framework stays unchanging. img alt= src= 2 ) Preservation of vitality: this condition alludes to the main law of thermodynamics, where the pace of modification of vitality of a liquid incomplete is equivalent to the pace of warmth add-on in addition to the pace of work done. At the end of the day, for this endeavor the vitality condition chronicles for the warmth follow up on the endeavor. There are numerous methods of indicating the vitality condition, one signifier is as appeared in Equation ( 3 ) img alt= src= 3 ) 3.2.2 Geometry and Boundary Conditions Geometry: The customary chart of the examination hypothetical record considered in this paper is delineated in Figure3-2, demonstrated with ANSYS Fluent. The hypothetical record is created from a bogus physical worldview by overlooking the auxiliary attributes. So as to disentangle the activity, the geometry of this framework is determined as planar and built on the X, Y plane. The hypothetical record geometry is downsized to 200mm*200mm when all is said in done interminable with a thermic stockpiling divider and two holes as air break and trade foundation ( appeared in reddish ) . All divider thicknesses are dismissed in this situation, which demonstrates the dividers have zero warmth conductivity resistance. There are three boss parts in this hypothetical record: the air channel ( A ) , latent sun oriented divider ( B ) and indoor life endless ( C ) , other than delineated in Figure 3-2. The thermic divider is set as 30mm*100mm. The middle of the road interminable between the thermic divider and the coating or the channel expansiveness is set for 20mm and the stuff to development the thermic stockpiling divider is H2O. Limit Conditionss: The solitary un-protected surface is the interface between the thermic divider and the air channel. Different beds are protected to either build the thermic resistance or forestall to warm from reassigning into the inward endless. Note that the warmth motion is initially intended to proceed onward the outside H2O divider surface ( the surface among An and B on Figure 3-2 ) , where this surface is other than an interface among H2O and air. However, botches happen if this interface is exposed to outside warmth starting while working in ANSYS FLUENT 15.0 group. Along these lines that in this overview, all inside divider surfaces including the rooftop and floor are set to be adiabatic ( under nothing heat motion ) while the thermic divider inside surface ( No. 19 on Figure 3-2 ) is able to warm transition determined dependent on the Sydney part chronicled informations appeared in Appendix A (, 2014 ) . Notwithstanding, the estimation of sun based warmth transition is non invar iable during a twenty-four hours, and at this stage our perception is non adequate to execute a mimicking dependent on the world allegorical conduct of warmth motion. The warmth transition proceeding onward the H2O divider for this endeavor is accepted as constant. It is about difficult to make an exact evaluating dependent on all liquid stream factors, to satisfy this, the H2O temperature will lift above 100EsC. To streamline the endeavor, the qualities are so downsized to satisfy the hypothetical record scenes by keep a similar expansion temperature expansion rate in H2O divider. The evaluating calculation is portrayed beneath. At first the standard temperature for the H2O divider and hypothetical record room was set equivalent to 300K ( 26.85EsC ) . The air temperature at break and commercial foundation were other than expected immutable and equivalent to the room air temperature to streamline the endeavor. By making this, heat transition is guaranteed as the solitary power that starts the full framework. Other than the computational break and trade foundation, the rest of the surface limits are fixed dividers under no-slip conditions. Protection from motion because of grinding along the surfaces is accepted insignificant. 3.2.3 Imitating Parameters ( Dimensional Analysis ) From the distributed writing, a wide range of parametric amounts can affect the open introduction of the H2O divider open introduction for air airing plan. As appeared on Figure 3-3, there are numerous factors that can be examined to streamline the H2O divider framework open introduction, for example, divider stature ( H ) , width ( B ) , middle endless interim ( D ) and the warmth transition quality proceeding onward H2O divider surface. A dimensional investigation is performed to show the auxiliary and mechanical parametric amounts that may affect the framework open introduction. Buckingham hypothesis is the strategy utilized for dimensional examination. First of entirely, a specific figure, â€Å"n†, of pertinent dimensional physical factors are resolved for this endeavor. These factors are between related and can be communicated through an utilitarian relationship as appeared in Equation 4, where Q represents the mean volume stream rate at the commercial foundation. img alt= src= 4 ) Followed by inspect these parametric amounts and occur out the figure of cardinal measurements, named â€Å"k†. At long last, by picking â€Å"k†figure of repeating factors, the staying ( n-k ) factors can arrange ( n-k ) sets ofimg alt= src= The intricate working out is portrayed in Appendix B. The arrangement shows that for this endeavor examination, there are n=16 factors, k=4 cardinal measurements which structure 12img alt= src= Theseimg alt= src= are dimensionless gatherings that will affect the framework open introduction. Subsequently, The Buckingham Theorem result demonstrates that Q is a guide of a lot of dimensionless gatherings, which are demonstrated as follows. img alt= src= 5 ) Because of requirement in clasp and CFD comprehension
Sunday, August 16, 2020
The Onion article about Robot Hazing at MIT
The Onion article about Robot Hazing at MIT Think cannons are awesome? Check out this hilarious article from The Onion: MIT Fraternity Accused Of Robot Hazing April 12, 2006 | Issue 42: 15 CAMBRIDGE, MA Several members of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology chapter of the Theta Tau fraternity are in campus-police custody today following a brutal hazing incident in which one robot remains missing and two others are in critical condition with extensive circuitry and servo-motor injuries, sources revealed Monday. The robots, experimental prototypes recently devised at MITs prestigious Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, were participating in an apparent initiation exercise that police say involved butyl alcohol and compressed air. According to eyewitnesses, the three robots were ripped from their chargers at the Theta Tau chapter house at 3 a.m. Tuesday. One, a titanium-alloy hexapod approximately 13 inches in diameter, was reportedly forced to climb stairs built at a grade too steep for its small hinged legs, causing six of its pneumatic actuators to short out. A second robot, a biped from MITs Leg Laboratory, was allegedly forced to replicate the same humiliating hopping algorithm 200,000 times, and is currently in critical condition in the laboratorys emergency-repair room. The third robot, a tread-driven 38-inch-tall rover, is feared drowned after being forced to consume over 40 terabytes of data and then swim across the Charles River with a burning candle stuck in its rear port. We will thoroughly investigate this matter, and take strong disciplinary action, MIT Dean of Students Geraldine Knight said. These robots are extremely artificially intelligent. They wouldnt willingly subject themselves to this sort of abuse without extreme levels of peer pressure or even downright reprogramming. Among those detained for questioning were Theta Tau chapter president David Kovis, treasurer Charles Leung, and fraternity members Lee Berger, Andy Ockridge, A. Muduthanapally, and Chen Kwan Tan. They could be charged with first-degree botslaughter and operating a motorized robot under the influence, charges that carry a maximum punishment of lifetime banishment from the MIT Media lab. This is not the first case of robot hazing on the campus. Last fall, during Rush Week, a spider-legged unit was found struggling in a closet at MITs School of Engineering, stripped of its outer casing, its motion sensors covered with duct tape. The perpetrators were never found. On another occasion, a robot was locked in a room and forced to calculate pi to the 1083 decimal place in what officials called one of the worst cases of binge-thinking theyd ever seen. This latest incident comes in the wake of a February episode in which an ambulating chatbot device created at Caltech was programmed to repeat the phrase I am a faggot while locomoting across campus. Robots have also reportedly been made to fight each other, often to total annihilation, in the basements of applied-science-based campus fraternal organizations during their respective hell weeks. A spokesman for the Theta Tau fraternity claimed that the fun just got out of hand, and that the robot pledges were 100 percent cool with the initiation. They showed us they were willing to do anything to be Theta Tau brothers. Loyalty, commitment, and conformity are what the Greek system is all about, the spokesman said. In protest, human-emotion-simulator robot Kismet, a respected member of the MIT community, announced that it will only display an expression of disapproval refusing to smile, show fear, or raise a curious eyebrow until those responsible receive appropriate punishment.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
African Americans in America Essay - 2157 Words
African Americans in America: The Fight Name HIS204: American History Since 1865 Dr. Kirk Strawbridge 30 Sep 13 African Americans have struggled with freedom before America was even a country. Freedom is something that Americans today take for granted. We look at third world countries that continue to exercise discrimination and segregation and America looks down on them. American’s fight wars to protect those discriminated against in other countries. We are almost numb to the fact that we, as Americans, were one of these countries. Some may even feel that these ignorant ideologies still exist today. No one wants to look o the past when this country was not acting like the America we try to project†¦show more content†¦The Thirteenth Amendment constitutionally ended slavery in 1865. It was the follow-through of the Emancipation Proclamation. The Thirteenth Amendment stated â€Å" Neither slave nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States†(1865). The Fourteenth Amendment b ecame the first civil rights legislation by granting citizenship rights. The Fourteenth Amendment also defined what a citizen was in order to make it clear that African American, whether ex-slaves or not, were indeed citizens (Bowles, 2011). At the time, The Fifteenth Amendment was the most controversial and occurred during General Ulysses S. Grant’s term. The Fifteenth Amendment stated the â€Å"The tight of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account for race, color, or previous condition of servitude†Bowles, 2011). The Civil War seemed to end slavery, although the beginning of the reconstruction seemed promising, it would be a struggle for African Americans. The Reconstruction Era started with the end of the Civil War. The Civil War Amendments seemed to lay the law and clearly state that African Americans were free. The country was still divided and this was clear in the Southern states. The Black Codes fueled the racial hatred and violence in the Southern states by creating legislation that restrictedShow MoreRelatedAfrican American Culture in the Americas741 Words  | 3 Pages African Americans brought over a distinctive culture into America from Africa. The Africans can create many different sounds that we never knew about. They revived the way we held church and worship, and brought joy to many citizens. African Americans enslaved by the South created a truly magnificent culture in slavery using new music, oral traditions, and religious ideas. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Poem Hills Like White Elephants
Elephants, specifically white elephants, the Bible, and the beautiful red bud of a blooming rose, all have a similar meaning. The answer to the meaning of these material objects would be curtains, tall and wide mountains like the Appalachians, and trains. These may just be material objects, but the allegory, or symbolism, is alive and useful in both history and present day. Hills Like White Elephants, A Rose For Emily, and Where Are You Going, Where have you been? are all fictional short stories, with numerous amounts of allegory, or symbolism, to be analyzed by the use of quotes from each story, and all with both a short term symbolic meaning and a long term overall theme. I was intrigued by all of the symbolism in â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants†. At first, I did not realize the symbolic meaning of these material objects, but did further research to find out. The beaded curtain doesn’t have the best meaning today, but along with the train track and the hills they all mean the same thing. Jig (a dance, and also a black person), the beaded curtain, the tracks, the hills, could all mean BOUNDARIES. Ernest Hemingway writes, â€Å"Well, let’s try and have a fine time. All right. I was trying. I said the mountains looked like white elephants. Wasn’t that bright? That was bright†(312). The girl and the woman were discussing if the girl wanted water in her alcoholic drink. She did not know what she wanted so she tried. She goes on to say how nasty the drink tasted, which is repliedShow MoreRelatedTechniques and Concerns of Modernism1482 Words  | 6 PagesDemonstrate your understanding of the context and values of Moder nism by close analysis of the techniques and concerns of Modernism that are reflected in one poem and one short story. Modernism as a movement is an artistic reaction to the conventional art and literature of mid- to late 19th century. 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Scott Fitzgerald, and Hills Like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway as will be shown in an analysis of the inhabitants of the wasteland and their search for innocence, the role of children and pregnancy in the wasteland, and the symbolism of water and rebirth.  But before I go on, I believe that I shouldRead More Reader-oriented Theories and Their Application to Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like white elephants2425 Words  | 10 PagesReader-oriented Theories and Their Application to Ernest Hemingway’s Hills like white elephants From the very beginning of the literature people tended to criticize the literary works according to some certain criteria. Some critics claimed that the text itself is important and some other said the author and his style is the thing that should be focused on. Form and content were the other significant elements in the history of the literary criticism. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effective Communication in the Business Meetings Free Essays
string(270) " how to overcome the fear\? overcoming the fear can be done by making sure the topic is known, analyzing the audience competently, knowing the speech content well, recognizing value and uniqueness, and focusing on communicating with the audience instead of on the fear\." Effective Communication in Business Meetings The great management guru Peter Drucker once said, â€Å"Business communication is all about understanding what has not been said. †Especially today business communication is one of important factors to be successful in the changeling business environment because during opened working environment one can meet lots of others for discussing but how to make an effective communication in business meetings? There are some of factors to impact deeply on result of an effective communication in the business meetings as clear goal or objective, careful planning, use materials, communication skills and conflict management. People may ignore to be involved in meetings, if they know their time will not be useful or non-productivity. We will write a custom essay sample on Effective Communication in the Business Meetings or any similar topic only for you Order Now Meetings should be completely carried out periodically or prepare urgently (if required) during work running of any organization. There are ways to spend the time more effectively. First factor considers here is goal or objective of business meeting. The goal or objective is built basing on actual situation of works what need to solve or make a decision, even just making a relationship. A business meeting without goal or objective considers as one walks around without home port, especially today’s challenging business environment is more focused in result. Imaginably there is no specifically stated desired outcome of the meeting so that is no point in availability the meeting. The goal or objective impacts people on gathering includes, but not limited to: communicating information, problem solving, team building, and making decision. Scheduling or preparation, communication, conflict management and follow-up are some of key factors to make sure that meetings are productive and efficient and that is being more essential in the today’s complicated working environment. The key for achieving the goal is an advance planning by everyone involved in the meeting. Detailed planning is a guideline to build an effective business meeting. Planning for meeting will support attendees to have a visualizing in advance how the meeting will be organized, where meeting attendees will sit, who will present in the meeting and how long the presentations will last. The meeting time and location should be confirmed one day before meeting to support attendees having a proper arrangement. Besides the meeting location should be able to accommodate all guests, convenient location, technological capabilities, and a comfortable condition. When the ocation has been determined, next important step is to start researching the information needed for the presentation, creating an agenda. The agenda should start with a quick objective or goal reminder, followed by the time frame allotted to each presentation. Research and investigation are perhaps the most important piece of planning an effective business meeting, which will help discover, summarize and organize the topic of the meeting. By making a convincing argument on the topic, the part icipants will be able to provide facts, instances, and definitions to support the subject. There are five main sources that can provide information for presentations. First of all is personal experience. Personal experience reflects the flow of thoughts and meanings persons bring to their immediate situations. The second resource is internet, especially in the 21st centuries which is considering as era of information technology. The goal is to improve the ability of people from all walks of life and interests to access, search, and use the information distributed in Internet resources. According to Usunier, Roulin (2010, Apr), â€Å"there is no geographic limitation to Internet access and suppliers in any country can create Web sites containing information and dialogue content†(p. 189-227). Using a search engine is becoming more common in finding research. Instead of using search engines, online libraries are also available to support for finding research. Third resource is written and visual resources in different channels as magazines, journals, newspapers, books, broadcasts, and documentaries which can be consulted for information, arguments, and evidence for presentation in the meeting. The fourth resource is research methodology. Appropriate methodology is taking short time to find out the needed information. Pullin (2010, Oct) states â€Å"the research methodology was qualitative in nature and, to ensure scientific rigor, a multi-method approach was taken in collecting and analyzing the data†(p. 460). The fifth source is other people. In order to accurately use other people as a source is also a shortest way to help presenter receiving needed information for meeting, but presenter should clarify the provided information as doing an informational interview with the person. Research can make the presenter feel more confident in communicating the presentation, and as a result, the presentation will be more powerful. â€Å"The vital elements of the communication process are the source, encoding, the message, the medium, decoding, the receiver, and feedback. An understanding of those components can help you design effective conversation communication programs†(Jacobson, 2009, p. 12). Those components will be handled easily by effective communication skills, which are essential in conducting a successful business meeting. Communication is an art which is not mastered by all so an effective communicator should be taken clearly when sending or receiving the messages. â€Å"Effective communication is one where you are able to send and receive messages in a clear, coherent manner overcoming all the barriers†(Bardia, 2010, p. 29). People listen to what is being said and engage in dialogue. Communication skills include: influencing, negotiation, making an impact, dealing with conflict and dealing difficult people. Business research has identified communication apprehension as a problem for improving communication skills. Aly (2005) states â€Å"communication apprehension as an individual level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons†(p. 98). When a speaker gives a speech in front of a large group of people, seemingly anxiety and fidgeting produce interfering, off-task thoughts and its result is apparent of word jumping or increased rhythm of heart that inhibit skill development. Public speaking is a common source of stress for everyone. Many of us would like to avoid this problem entirely, but this is hard to do. Once there is determination as how to overcome the fear? overcoming the fear can be done by making sure the topic is known, analyzing the audience competently, knowing the speech content well, recognizing value and uniqueness, and focusing on communicating with the audience instead of on the fear. You read "Effective Communication in the Business Meetings" in category "Papers" Some other strategies that can ensure the meeting is effective are clarifying, confirming and summarizing. Making sure that the purpose of the meeting is clarified will reduce any chances of the audience misunderstanding the content. By asking the audience questions, or answering their questions, we can confirm that everyone understands. This is true when summarizing is used. By summarizing all the information at the end of the presentation, the presenter is, once again, making sure the information was understood. An effective communication in meetings is not only solely responsible for speaker but also share the burden those who attend the meeting. An active listening communication strategy will help ensure a successful meeting. Urquhart (2004) states â€Å"these four steps to become a more active listener: Hearing, feedback and interpretation, evaluation and response†(p. 3). â€Å"Hearing involves paying attention to what the speaker is saying and being sure it is heard†(Urquhart, 2004). The message will be encoded and understood by showing out the feedback and interpretation. On the way, the feedback will support speaker find out and correct any misunderstanding. The listener may be able to ask the question until the listener is sure that message is encoded and understood accurately. Finally, listener will decide what to do with the information given by the speaker. During a meeting, there is a good chance that two or more members of the group will disagree. That is also to let us to see the matter as others aspects. The disagreement may result in conflict. An effective communicator should know how to deal with conflict. There are five steps to help organizations deal with conflict in a constructive way as follows: 1. Recognizing that the conflict exists. 2. Finding common ground by putting the conflict in the context of the larger goal of the team and the organization. 3. Understanding all the perspectives of the issue, this means that everyone is not required to agree with the opposing views. 4. Attacking the issue and not the members of the team. 5. Developing an action plan that describes how each member of the team will solve the problem or issue. By following above mentioned steps during a meeting, the conflicts will be able to deal with in a opened-mind, cooperative manner. To require an understanding the goal of a meeting or presentation the speaker should be able to understand of what the final outcome and what is trying to reach. By the way to make a successful meeting, presenter should have a worst result of what meeting will be as misunderstanding or responded disagreement. In order to establish that the goals of the meeting have been met, the audience is not only taking an active part but also the presenter must make the audience interested in the topic along with meeting significance of the topic. There are two important questions to support presenter clarifying the goal or objective. First, what do I want my audience to know or do as a result of my speech? Second, how will I know if I am successful? Being clear those questions is the audience’s feedback. Feedback is recognized by immediate behavior change from the audience and asking question to audience also on the way to get feedback. The follow up actions to the presentation or meeting consist of any actions that are to be determined at a later time. Minute and any decisions made at the meeting must be noted and distributed to all parties involved. Delegations of assignments are to be noted and follow up must be carried out. Besides, additional meetings might be necessary if the final outcome is not clear or decisions are not probably made. In conclusion, an effective meeting is determined to conduct by several strategies. Meetings are productive and efficient when we incorporate all of above-mentioned ideal. Careful planning and clear goal or objectives are the key factor as well as choosing the suitable time and right location for the meeting. Being prepared presentation for the meeting is also very important, there is irresponsible if anyone going to a meeting and not being prepared, it may send the wrong message to the others in the meeting. The meeting is unsuccessful if any key factor is missing. Visualizing how the meeting will unfold if the meeting is held in the noise location. Besides, an active listening communication strategy as giving feedback and asking question will help ensure a successful meeting. Getting the audience involved in the meeting will create a more productive meeting. Also, by asking the audience to evaluate and respond to the information provided will allow them to participate in the discussion and make suggestions on ways to find a solution. On the way, focusing goals and working on solutions during the meeting can influence others being interested in the meeting and being more involved. We all know that the anxiety will appear by various points of view when speaking in front of a large group or even a small group and it will reduce when we make confidence by ourselves experiences, communication skills and also well prepared. Communication skills and experience are only cumulative by taking more serious. If you appear nervous or unsure; the audience may lose interest in the topic. The speaker should always be prepared, analyze the audience, and focus on the subject matter. Other strategies that can ensure for an effective meeting are clarifying the topic, confirming that the audience understands the information given, and summarize all the information at the end of the meeting. We have also learned that conflict is part of business meeting to help attendees have a several looking for one matter and by the way supporting to make decisions. Keep in mind, not everyone will agree with what you are saying, therefore; we should try to have an open mind and try to find common ground. Do not attack the other members of the team, because they may not agree with you, simply attack the issue at hand. Conflict isn’t actually good or bad, the way is how we deal with it. Developing an action plan as a team may allow the other members to feel that the problem can be worked out in a respectful, professional manner. Conducting effective business meetings will definitely help to improve productivity at the workplace. Almost meeting will be stressful, but by the way to make everyone involved interestingly that the meetings are well planned, organized, and allow the attendees to discuss possible solutions to solve the problems what they arise. Productive meetings are not only making a unity between groups but also teaching us essential communication skills, cumulate costly experience and how to manage conflict. Finally, during these meetings we practice problem solving, idea sharing and incorporate creativity that will eventually lead to a successful business environment. How to cite Effective Communication in the Business Meetings, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Dont Say a Word free essay sample
The following essay critically analyzes the film, Dont Say a Word paying particular attention to Michael Douglas role in the film. This essay critically examines the film, Dont Say a Word, by looking at the contemporary notions of modern psychology used both as the focus of the films dramatic plot, and also in the way it plays out the themes of madness and sanity that run throughout the film. From the paper: In Dont Say a Word, Michael Douglas portrays a New York psychiatrist. He has a beautiful, young, and innocent daughter. He also has a mad, beautiful, nearly catatonic patient. This mental patient resides in a locked ward. She does communicate occasionally, but not in any comprehensible, normal fashion. Instantly the theme between madness and sanity is set up between the two girls, one young and innocent, one young and unappealing. It also introduces the theme of catatonia relatively recent in the plot. We will write a custom essay sample on Dont Say a Word or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page
Saturday, March 28, 2020
ALIENATION Essays - Literary Realism, The Catcher In The Rye
ALIENATION In the book, Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger, Holden Caufield, the main character is a negatively charged person, doesn't want himself or others around him to grow up, and suffers from depression because of his brothers death. This is obviously Holden's way of alienating the entire world and delaying the consequences of facing reality. Alienation is a big theme in Catcher In The Rye, and something that Holden depends on most often. Holden Caufield is a negatively charged character as expressed on the first page of the book before Holden tells his opinion about his childhood. He says, If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born, and what my lousy childhood was like... (Pg. 1) Holden shows here that he was negative and depressed even in his childhood years which is mainly due to his brother, Allie's death. Holden's alienation toward the world is what causes these unwanted character traits of Holden's. Holden is also a hostile character who attributes his negativity to block out others around him, and to delay the fact that he indeed will have to face reality sometime. Holden's pattern of speech, the constant expression of negativity, is a character trait Holden possesses that shows the inner pain he feels. Holden truly shows that he does not want to grow up and he does not want other children to grow up either. Holden believes that all adults are phonies, like Principal Thurmer. Holden hates phonies and that's why he doesn't want children to grow up, do they won't become phonies. Holden's hatred towards adults is due to his brother's death. Holden probably somewhat blames his parents for not stopping his younger brother's death. Holden alienated phonies or adults because of this. Holden believes that he cannot depend on adults because they are phonies like Principal Thurmer. Holden's inability to accept growing up causes much depression for Holden and makes Holden suicidal. At what time, Holden does in fact feel suicidal. ...what I really felt like, though, was committing suicide. This shows that Holden has not really accepted the fact that everyone has to grow up sometime no matter how much u don't want to because no one can stay a child forever. Holden suffers from depression due to his brother, Allie's death. This is mainly because lack of closure of his brother's death. There is one moment when Holden expresses how he talks out loud to Allie, even though he is dead. What I did, I started talking out loud to Allie. I do that sometimes when I get very depressed. This portrays sadness to the point that Holden needs closure on his brother's death so bad that the lack of closure may even be leading to clinic depression or slight insanity on top of his being suicidal. Holden probably in some way blames himself for his brother's death due to not always letting Allie play with him when they were little. Holden feels like committing suicide at one time which shows the true depth of Holden's depression. Holden's deep depression comes from his alienation towards people in general, the way he refuses to let others deep in his heart and his inability to accept certain things such as his brother's death. Holden badly needs closure on his brother's death so he can rid himself of his deep depression and go on to inevitably grow up like the rest of the world. In conclusion, Holden is a negative character, had yet to realize that everyone has to grow up sometime, and suffers from possible clinic depression due to lack of closure on his brother's death. Holden's alienation towards the world is clearly what brings on this rejective personality of Holden's. Another aspect of Holden that drives this personality of his is his estrangement towards facing reality. This can most likely be compared to many people in the real world which is just one of the reasons why Catcher In The Rye, is such a wonderful book. Until people like Holden realize that growing up is an inevitable action in one's life and that facing reality is a must to survive life, then those people will be stuck in the world of untruth where no person can be successful and where destinies cannot be pursued until the realization that these are just stages in life that must be completed is met.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Essays
Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Essays Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Paper Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge Paper Biological attack involves the deliberate discharge of germs or other biological substances that can cause health problem or sickness. Agents of biological attack have to be either eaten, inhaled or enter through a cut in the skin. Some biological agents cause contagious diseases such as smallpox virus while others such as anthrax do not have a contagious effect. (Leonard, 2002 pp 120-127) In the event of a biological attack, there are various duties that are performed by the various police departments in an effort to save and make it safe for people in the affected area. The primary functions performed at the scene of a biological attack remain fairly consistent and are performed by different bodies within the police force as follows; Patrol officers The role of the patrol officers in a biological attack include; Incident size up and assessment: This is the basic step in the rescue efforts of the police in an incident of biological attack. The patrol police are responsible for assessment of the area of attack. Crowd control: This is a basic step whereby the patrol police control the movement of the crowd after an assessment of the attacked area to determine a secure way out to avoid other forms of attacks. Scene security: This is the provision of physical security in the area of attack which allows evacuation efforts to begin where necessary. Determination of protective clothing and equipment as well as pre-entry examination. Entry of the contaminated area for rescue of victims as needed. Investigators The investigators are entitled to:  ·Ã‚      Scene control and introduction of perimeters: This is done to facilitate the process of investigation and also enhance security of the investigators.  ·Ã‚        Product identification: This is the gathering of information about the nature of the agent used in the attack. This information gathering process is also useful to medical personnel as it helps in treatment of the victims. Information gathering may take different perspectives including interviewing witnesses, and sample collection if available. (Joshua, 1999 pp 34-78)  ·Ã‚        Recording of necessary information at the scene of crime.  ·Ã‚     Reporting of the findings at the place of attack to the relevant authorities. HAZMAT This is a crucial stage in a biological attack response program. The hazmat are responsible for decontamination process of the hazardous materials.  ·Ã‚        To determine the area to carry out decontamination  ·Ã‚        Planning entry and equipment preparation.  ·Ã‚        Entry to the scene and rescue of victims as appropriate.  ·Ã‚        Containment of the spills or release of agent of attack  ·Ã‚        The neutralization of the release  ·Ã‚        Decontamination of victims and other rescuers  ·Ã‚        Formation of a triangle of the ill injured  ·Ã‚       Consultation with hospital personnel in the decontamination process
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Caucasus Region2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Caucasus Region2 - Essay Example Involvement of USA is vital. On political front reconciliation of the conflicting interests of regional States is required. Flow of oil in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline, to the West, can be ensured using diplomatic channels. Oil, natural gas and deposits of rare metals in the region are the main attraction for the world powers. Azerbaijan needs helpmodernize its oilfields, production of which has fallen from 8% of USSR total in 1965 to 0.6% by 1988. Estimated reserves of oil in Azerbaijan are 240,000 billion dollars (Atlas, p86-87). Nine million emigrants in USA and Syria is another asset. Her other main problems are Nagorno Karabakh (N.K). Armenia is over dependent on imported energy and raw materials and fought full scale war on N.K with Azerbaijan in 2003 and this issue dominates national life in both countries (Atlas, p74-75). USA has good opportunity to help resolve the issue of N.K and win appreciation of both countries. She can also increase her exports of raw material to Armenia, thus economically influencing the latter. There is a war and politics for oil and mineral resources and all players are applying military component according to demands of the situation. USSR has not given up its struggle to regain influence in the region. Iran is yet another silent player. But South Azeri People’s Army (SAPA) created problems in north western areas where the emergence of an independent state is in offing. This State of â€Å"Ahurastan†, comprising of north western Iran and western Azerbaijan, has a revolutionary anti-American and anti-West agenda. It may challenge Azeri claim over Caspian Sea area and can disrupt the oil exploration process in the region. 1. Protection of oil pipelines, especially BTC, and bridges from blowing up by SAPA. Such sabotage acts harmed the economies of the regional countries a lot in the
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Topic is enclosed in the description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Topic is enclosed in the description - Essay Example bes revolves around situations when the sovereign state needs to call upon the strength of its citizens to provide the state and its people the protection it needs. In dangerous situations, a rational egoist would most likely not risk his life for the protection of the sovereign state. However, if such protection is not provided by the citizens, then the state will revert to a state of nature. And, our lives would be forfeit if the orders of the state are not followed and protection is not provided to the state by the rational egoist. This paper shall be a critical analysis paper on Hobbes’ previously mentioned statement. This analysis shall clarify the position being examined, shall elaborate arguments for or against the position in question, shall carefully assess the adequacy and strength of the arguments by considering possible responses, counter-arguments, or counter-examples, and offer this student’s own assessment of where the arguments for and against the position being considered leave us – and is we should accept, reject, or remain neutral regarding this orientation or position. The dilemma in Hobbes’ statement is on how to bring consistency into his argument or if consistency is even possible in his statement. If consistency is to be brought to his statement, is a state of nature inevitable? Hobbes seems to be advocating that a rational man is not obligated to render service to the state in order to help protect sovereign interests. The dilemma in Hobbes statement can be phrased in the question – why would a rational egoist surrender his sovereignty in the state of nature? (Stanford University Press â€Å"Social Order†). A rational egoist would work through the logic of risking his life and limb in order to protect the state. He would deliberate and ask himself if his sacrifice would be worth the imposed danger on his life. The egoist in him would do everything to avoid danger and pain. He would be thinking of ways to save himself,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC)
Symptoms of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) Pathophysiology Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is an acquired syndrome that occurs when a stimulus pathologically activates intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis resulting in an unbalanced hemostasis (Cunningham, 1999; Huether McCance, 2008; Wada, 2008). The initiation of DIC starts with the release of tissue factor (TF) by the endothelial cells or white blood cells (WBCs). TF are present on many different cell types including lungs, brain, and placenta. The release of TF is subsequent to a variety of causes including trauma, ischemia, excessive metabolic stress, tumors, infectious organisms, exposure to cytokines and endotoxins (Baglin, 1996; Vinay, Abul, Nelson, Richard, 2007). The release of endotoxin is the means by which gram-negative sepsis triggers DIC (Vinay et al., 2007). These endotoxins are a structural component in gram-negative bacteria released when the bacteria are lysed. TF then reacts with coagulation factor VII leading to the common pathway and activation of co agulation factor X (Huether McCance, 2008, p. 498). This complex pathway leads prothrombin to convert to thrombin, which transforms fibrinogen to fibrin (Huether McCance, 2008, p. 542) Excess activation of the coagulation pathway results in an overload of circulating thrombin leaving numerous fibrin clots in circulation (Cunningham, 1999). Fibrinolysis is also decreased during DIC. The main component of fibrinolysis is plasmin, a fibrin-eating enzyme that is activated by the clotting pathway to control the fibrin clots in the vessels (Huether McCance, 2008). These micro-thrombi in the vasculature of organs cause tissue ischemia and dysfunction. Although fibrinolytic properties are present in the body, production is inadequate to control the systemic deposits of fibrin clots (Cunningham, 1999; Huether McCance, 2008). DIC also places the patient at risk for hemorrhage due the rapid consumption of platelets and coagulation factors result in primary hemostasis failure (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Huether McCance, 2008). The failure and dysfunction of both the formation and stabilization pathways of clots bleeding from multiple sites are seen (Bliss Wallace-Jonat han, 2008). Relevant Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of disseminated intravascular coagulation present in a multitude of possibilities. In this specific patient with gram-negative sepsis leading to DIC may present with spontaneous bruising, prolonged bleeding from venipuncture sites, and bleeding from three different sites. There are also many other possible sites including the nose, gums, mucosa, eyes, arterial lines, or surgical wounds (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Wada, 2008). Depending on where the fibrin clots have deposited, other symptoms may manifest as ischemia or organ failure occurs such as in the kidneys, heart, lungs, or in the brain. There is a possibility of hemorrhaging into a closed compartment, which may lead to shock (Huether McCance, 2008). Lab values during DIC are also of great importance. There is no specific test for DIC but a combination of PT (prothrombin time), aPTT (activated partial thromboplastin time), fibrinogen, platelet count and d-dimmer are used to assist in the diagnosis of DIC (Cunningham, 1999). Since many disorders can cause an increase of each of these lab values, it is important to use the whole picture to make the diagnosis. Treatment Treatments for DIC focus on elimination of the cause, controlling the coagulation and formation of clots, and maintain or return organ function (Huether McCance, 2008). In this case study, the elimination of the gram-negative bacteria is one treatment. This essential treatment of antibiotic therapy has already started one hour ago. Another course of treatment is administration of blood products to resupply the body with the depleted clotting factor, platelets, thrombin, and plasmin in an attempt to reduce or eliminate the bleeding (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Administration of fresh frozen plasma (FFP) along with cryoprecipitate and platelet concentrates replaces the clotting factors in patients with active bleeding (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Research on heparin use in DIC found successful in the treatment of DIC in some patients in an attempt to reduce the coagulation pathway activation though not recommended in septic DIC (Huether McCance, 2008; Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008). Clinical trials have made a case for the specific treatment of septic DIC. Antithrombin III appears to be an effective treatment (Bliss Wallace-Jonathan, 2008; Huether McCance, 2008). Organ function requires fluid resuscitation for restoration of blood pressure as well as urine and cardiac output. Outcomes Prognosis varies depending on the underlying disorder. The outcome also depends on the magnitude of thrombi in the vascular system. The patient has a 10%-50% chance of dying with the diagnosis of DIC (Wada, 2008). The rate increases in patients with sepsis though there still is a possibility of a positive outcome. With rapid detection and treatment, DIC can be reversed. Conclusion Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) References Baglin, T. (1996, March 16). Disseminated intravascular coagulation: diagnosis and treatment. British Medical Journal, 312, 683-688. Retrieved from Bliss, T. T., Wallace-Jonathan, J. (2008). Hematological and coagulation changes in sepsis. In Competency-based critical care (pp. 17-25). doi: 10.1007/978-1-84628-939-2 Cunningham, V. L. (1999, July). A review of disseminated intravascular coagulation: presentation, laboratory diagnosis, and treatment. Medical Laboratory Observer, 31(7), 42-50. Retrieved from Huether, S., McCance, K. (2008). Understanding pathophysiology (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier. Vinay, K., Abul, A. K., Nelson, F., Richard, M. N. (2007). Robbins basic pathology (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Wada, H. (2008). Disseminated intravascular coagulation. In Recent advances in thrombosis and hemostasis 2008. doi: 10.1007/978-4-431-78847-8
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ralph Lauren Strategic and Operational Plans Analysis Essay
Ralph Lauren Corporation Mission and Vision: â€Å"Mission- to ‘redefine American style, provide quality products, create worlds and invite people to take part in our dreams’. Vision- ‘to represent American style with a dash of British elegance and the comfort of natural fibers†(Ralph Lauren, 2013). The purpose of this analysis is to identify strategic and operational plans based upon current SWOT analysis, to include explanations and courses of action to achieve the related organization goals and the internal and external effects of our decisions to stakeholders. Ralph Lauren Corporation a Fortune 500 company headquartered in New York, NY is a leader in the design, marketing and distribution of premium lifestyle products in four categories: apparel, home, accessories and fragrances. For more than 45 years, Ralph Lauren’s reputation and distinctive image have been consistently developed across an expanding number of products, brands and international markets. (Enel SpA, 2013) Enel Group is responsible for the production and development of energy at a globally, with a vast majority of operations Europe and the Americas. The Enel Group produced over 29 billion kilowatts in 2013 from sun, the Earth’s heat and water enough to supply the energy needs of more than 10 million dwellings as well restrict the emission of over 20 million tons of CO2 in the environment. Enel Green Power is a world leader in the market thanks to its well-balanced product mix, providing volumes of energy well over the sector average. Enel Group has an installed capacity of 8,900 megawatts from a mix of sources including wind, solar, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass. (Alina-Florentina, C. 2011) Enel Group has 750 plants operating in 16 countries in Europe and the Americas. Strategic Plan: The strategic plan is geared toward generating cash flow in mature markets: In the current economic atmosphere, which is difficult, the strategic plan is designed to cut budget costs as well as increase efficiency. The Enel Group’s strategic plan, calls for a reduction in expenses of about 4 billion euros (based on 2013 controllable costs) for the 2013-2017 time frame. There mature markets are located primarily in Italy and Spain sectors. The strategic plan also provides for investment of 11 billion euros in other sectors of operation. Investments in assets will be reduced from 5.3 billion euros under the previous plan to 4.6 billion under the current strategic plan. Investment distribution assets will grow to 6.7 billion euros under the current strategic plan from around 6.2 billion euros under the previous plan. (Mills, Wiser, Porter 2009) The new strategic plan will see a 2.7 percent increase the cumulative capital expenditure compared to the previous 2013-2017 plan. Basically, the investment in research and development budget will increase to around 9.4 billion under the current strategic plan in comparison to 8.7 billion euros under the previous strategic plan. Installed capacity will rise from 38 gig watts in 2012 to 43 gig watts in the year 2017. (Alina-Florentina, C., 2011) During the implementation phase of the strategic plan period, the Enel Group expects to implement a structure simplification that will fuel minorities’ buy-out operations, when complete will increase the net income ownership at the Parent Company level from 65% in 2013 to 78% in 2017. Operational Plan: Ralph Lauren tries to uphold a very positive company culture and keep employees happy so they will stay long term. They like to promote from within and have many cases of employees starting at the bottom and working their way up to upper management. They not only offer pregnancy leave, but 3 months of parental leave as well for either parent whether having a child or adopting. They offer longer than average vacation time as well as many travel opportunities, and promotions to different locations within the company. It has been reported that although the salary is low with long hours and a highly stressful job, employees are given many rewards. Ralph Lauren offers its employees different rewards such as bonuses for attendance, employee discounts, and stock options. References Ralph Lauren Corporation SWOT Analysis. (2013). Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation SWOT Analysis, 1-8.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
“In A Time Of War†Poem Essay
The title of Rothenberg’s poem â€Å"In a Time of War†seems to encapsulate the poem’s subject-matter, written with uncomplicated words of the English vocabulary makes the poem stand out in a stark manner. This method is used by Rothenberg to illustrate to readers exactly how he sees war, as it is. One outstanding feature of this poem is its structure. Rothenberg appears to want to isolate the first stanza from the rest of the poem. At a closer reading, the first stanza is concerned with the poet’s thoughts of war, while it is taking place, whereas the remaining stanzas talk about his feelings on the notion of war, irregardless of whether it is occurring or not. This distinction is further enhanced by the language and degree of imagery of the stanzas. Note that in stanza one, there is more emphasis on description, with the constant use of pastoral imagery, â€Å"daisies wilt†and â€Å"the war sucks up the dew.†The mood generated from it, is â€Å"dark†, gloomy and miserable. However, reading on, the mood apparently lightens up, especially from stanza three. The word â€Å"love†begins to appear. The pastoral imagery transforms to a more hopeful state, â€Å"a love that floats like butterflies†and â€Å"flowers in the endless night.†Rothenberg is probably telling the reader that all is not lost, â€Å"even a year of war won’t hide or tame [moon acacia water lily star].†There is hence, no predominant gloomy mood or atmosphere to this poem as there is a shift from a state of hopelessness to one with some optimism present. Even so, we cannot overlook the fact that Rothenberg is saying that since we can move on from the aftermath of war, we can then take war lightly. The poet, apart from telling readers not to lose faith when war comes, is also signaling to us that â€Å"war [is] waiting in the gateway to the hive.†The lesson Rothenberg is conveying to the readers that war may strike us anytime, and so we should prevent it at all costs if not things might return to how he describes it in stanza one. The structure of stanza one consists of many short lines, even a word alone constitutes a line as seen in the tenth line â€Å"nightingales.†Rothenberg ‘compels’ the reader to pay attention to each and every line. He wants us to feel, as closely as possible of the horrific experiences that war can bring out. Wars sometimes take decades before it ends and the literal length of the stanza symbolizes this. And yet, as we move on the next stanzas, lengthwise, they grow shorter and the lack of commas causes the reader to move from one stanza to the next rather swiftly until we approach stanza seven where Rothenberg cautions us of the unpredictability of war. And if we fail to take his advice in hand, we return to the state that stanza one illustrates. The poem may have ended with stanza seven, but Rothenberg has cleverly twisted it. A vicious cycle is formed, if humans refuse to prevent war, â€Å"another war†will always emerge. The poem is overall an excellent portrayal of the world â€Å"in a time of war.â€
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Quality And Safety Education For Nurses - 1142 Words
Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Teamwork and collaboration are capable to effectively function within professional teams, remaining respectful, mutual decision-making, and developing open communication to attain the optimal quality of care for patients. To create a collaborative atmosphere, several characteristics must be involved; knowledge, skills, and attitude. Knowledge is a way to describe an individual’s strengths, weaknesses, and principles to collaborate within a group of workers. Skills, the awareness of the individual’s proficiencies as a team member. Attitude is the individuals potential to interact within a group. (QSEN Institute, 2014) Importance of Integration of Teamwork Integration of teamwork is important because it is essential in this profession. According to Cameron (2012), there is â€Å"a greater need for health and social services to work together closely and effectively to offer an integrated and evidence-based practice†(p.212). Health care is a constant changing envir onment; patient’s needs are prioritized, and collaboration is necessary because of this shift in the stability of care from hospital facilities to the community. Team effectiveness can be influenced by many things; structure, communication, leadership, attitude, values, skills, and education. (Cameron, 2012, p.212-213) Implications in Nursing Education Nursing education is not only based on our education that is attained through school, but also from gaining skills inShow MoreRelatedQuality And Safety Education For Nurses996 Words  | 4 PagesIn 2005, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation developed the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative in an effort to rectify alarming conditions illustrated by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) report, To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System (Quality and Safety of Education for Nurses [QSEN], 2005). The original goal of QSEN included improving patient safety by applying the findings of the IOM report to enhance pre-licensure nursing curriculums. The QSEN model focuses on enhancingRead MoreThe Quality And Safety Education For Nurses1510 Words  | 7 PagesQSEN Project: Relevance To Growth in Nursing The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project began in 2005, funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Its overall goal throughout its development has been to acknowledge and confront the challenge of ensuring that future nurses are equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to maintain and improve the quality and safety of healthcare systems (Case Western Reserve University [CWRU], 2014a). The project was composed ofRead MoreThe Quality And Safety Education For Nurses Essay1202 Words  | 5 PagesSummary Explanation In-Depth Description Believe it or not, nurses can be lazy. This is especially true towards the end of a 12-hour shift after working three days in a row. Critical pieces of information about hospitalized patients can be lost in the realm of communication due to one thing: a poor hand-off report. Quality handoff report enables nurses to recognize changes in patient status and anticipate risks thus ensuring patient safety. When a shift-change occurs, the seamless transfer of knowledgeRead MoreQuality And Safety Education For Nurses1277 Words  | 6 PagesSafety â€Å"The delegation of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) is to challenge nurses of their knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSA) for continuous improvement for the quality and safety of the healthcare systems where they work. Ensuring safe care is a fundamental value and ethical responsibility of the nursing profession (International Council of Nurses, 2000).†All nurses should be well educated to understand that safety reduces the possibility of injury to the patients and providers;Read MoreQuality And Safety Education For Nurses1347 Words  | 6 Pages Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN): The Key is Systems Thinking Article Critique Milagros Cruz Goodwin College RN – BSN Program NUR 460: Seminar in Professional Nursing Leadership Summer 2015 Introduction Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) was developed with the purpose of providing professional nurses with the knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the health care systems within which theyRead MoreThe Quality And Safety Education For Nurses1529 Words  | 7 PagesThe Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) initiative is a newer project within the nursing realm. It began in 2005 with funding from the Wood Johnson Foundation. The overarching goal of QSEN â€Å"has been to address the challenge of preparing future nurses with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) necessary to continuously improve the quality and safety of the healthcare systems in which they work,†(CRWU, 2014). Many nurses are still unaware of the initiative, and hospitals are slowingRead MoreThe Quality And Safety Education For Nurses1405 Words  | 6 Pagesplacing a large burden on nurses. The rate at which the change s are taking place is high and nurses are finding it increasingly difficult to accommodate these changes in their learning and practice. Unlike in the past where health institutions were cautious to change, better effective technologies and innovation have caused a shift from this notion. Modern health institutions are more open to change and are ready to try out new technology. This factor has placed nurses in a difficult position asRead MoreThe Quality And Safety Education For Nurses1987 Words  | 8 PagesThe Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (also known as QSEN) began in 2005 as a project to train nurses with necessary tools to be competent and safe nurses. QSEN was funded by the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation and was divided up into 3 phases, and the project’s lead investigator is Linda Cronenwett (, 2014). During Phase 1 (2005-2007), 6 competencies were defined with the institute of medicine: patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, evidence- based practice, quality improvementRead MorePressure Ulcers Compromise Quality And Safety Education For Nurses1198 Words  | 5 PagesPressure ulcers compromise Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) competency patient safety. Critical care patients are at high risk of harm when pressure ulcers develop during their hospital stay. As a result, pressure ulcers cause pain, discomfort, loss of independence and social isolation. One study sampled 102 critical care patients consisting of 52 men and 48 women with ages between 23 to 88 years (He, Tang, Ge, Zheng, 2016). He et al. (2016) result showed 31.4 percent of pressureRead MoreThe And Quality And Safety Education1692 Words  | 7 PagesThe American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), the Institute of Medicine (IOM), and the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) emerged because of a need for improved nursing education and nursing practice. The AACN continually recommends policies that develop nursing edu cation programs. Subsequently, the AACN promotes exceptional patient care. Similarly, IOM assists healthcare facilities in both the government and private sector by providing evidence-based advice for health decisions
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